Martes, Oktubre 7, 2014

Hero's Journey

The Odyssey


*Call to Adventure: How does the character receive the call to adventure?
          King Agamemnon and King Menalaus went to Odysseus and ask for Odysseus help for war against the trojan.

*Refusal of the Call: Does the character accept the call immediately?
          No, because he don't want to leave his wife Penelope and his first born child Telemachus that had just been born.

*Answering the Call: What motivates the character to accept the call?
         Odysseus has no choice but to fight because he was force to come with them and Agamemnon and Manelaus are both close friends of Odysseus so he cannot say no to them.

*Supernatural Aid: Who or what helps on his journey? Why?
          >Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war helps Odysseus on his journey because before Odysseus leave Ithaca , he prayed to Athena to guide and help him through the war and Athena is Odysseus goddess.

            >Aeolus, God of wind helped Odysseus by giving a sac of wind so that Odysseus can safely sail home.

            >Hermes, messenger of gods helped Odysseus by giving him a herb that can protect him from Circe curse and also Hermes convince Calypso to let Odysseus go home.
            >Circe, helped Odysseus by telling him that he needs to find the blind prophet Teiresias in the underworld so that he can return home and some advises that can help Odysseus in his journey.

*Guide/Mentor: Is there a specific character that helps the hero understand the life situation or provides the hero with special training?

              Athena is Odysseus mentor, she always appears on Odysseus every time he needs guidance. She always gives advise and  inspirational words to Odysseus. She always help Odysseus when he has problems. As Odysseus is sailing towards Troy, Athena appears and says that he must defeat the Trojans and he must be strong.

*Talisma: Is there a  particular item that has significance to the hero?
           Sac full of wind given by Aeolus the god of wind, that can help Odysseus safely sail home.

*Companions: Who is with the hero on his journey? How do these companions help the hero face the challenges?
           Odysseus' crew is with him throughout the journey. They face all the challenges together and they never leave Odysseus.

*Crossing the Threshold: At what point in the story does the hero leave the familiar world and move into a new, unfamiliar world?
         After the trojan war, Odysseus together with his crew decided to go home but Poseidon holds a grudge against Odysseus for thinking that the gods didn't help him in the trojan war. Poseidon makes Odysseus' journey home more difficult and the journey of Odysseus to the unfamiliar worlds begins.

*Threshold Guardians: Are there characters that try to prevent the hero from crossing over into the unfamiliar territory or circumstances?
        Yes. First is Circe ,she wants Odysseus to stay in her island and make him her lover and also Calypso because she fell in love with Odysseus.


*Road of Trials: What specific challenges does the hero face?
          The challenges that Odysseus faced are the following:
                 -his journey going home
                 -to get out in the cave of Polyphemus
                 -entering the underworld and face the 3 headed monster
                 -to get back his kingdom from Penelope's suitors

*Brother Battle: Does the hero battle physically or mentally with someone who is a relative or a close friend?
         NO, he did not battle to any one who is a relative or a close friend.

*Meeting the Goddess: Does the hero meet with a character with special beauty and power?
         YES, Odysseus met Circe, a devastatingly beautiful witch-goddess and Calypso, a devastatingly beautiful nymph.

*Abduction: Is the character kidnapped, or is someone close to the hero kidnapped?
           NO, but Odysseus stay in the island of Circe and Calypso for a how many years and the two don't want Odysseus to leave them.

*Night or Sea Journey: Where do the hero's travels take him?
            >Odysseus and his crew reached the island of the Lotus Eaters to search for foods.
            >They dock in an island where they find Polyphemus a cyclops who happens to be Poseidon's son.              
            >They reached the island of Aeolus where he get a sac of wind that Aeolus gives him.
            >They reached the island of the Laestrygonians where the cannibals eat some of Odysseus crew.                   
            >They reached the island of Circe where they stay there for a short period of time but ended up staying for a couple of years.
            >They enter the underworld to find the prophet Teiresias to ask for their way home.
            >Odysseus reached the island Ogygia where he finds Calypso who fell in love with him and ask him to stay with her in the island.
            >Odysseus reached the island of the Phaecians where King Alcinous the King of Phaecians helps him return to Ithaca.

*Dragon Battle: Does the hero battle some kind of monster? Does the hero face an inner-demon?
           YES, Odysseus face a three-headed monster and Polyphemus a cyclops.

*Ritual Death or Dismemberment: Is the hero injured and thought to be dead? Does the hero mistakenly believe someone close to him is dead? Does the hero suffer an injury in which he loses a limb or use of some other body part?
          YES, Odysseus is injured because of his journey and all people in Ithaca except his family thought he is already dead.

*Sacred Marriage:  Does the hero have a special  emotional bond? ( It could literally be a marriage with another character )
           NO, Odysseus don't have any special emotional bond with others because he really loves Penelope his wife but he goes to bed with Circe and Calypso.

*Atonement ("at one with") with or Recognition by the Father: Is the hero reunited with his father in some way?
           In the movie, Odysseus father didn't mention but in the book of Homer Odysseus and his father Laertes reunited.
*Entering the Belly of the Whale: Is there some point in the story where the hero must face his deepest fear or the darkest evil in the story?
        Yes, when Odysseus enters the underworld. He is afraid that he may not come back.

*Apotheosis (Deification): Is there a point in the story where the hero is held up as an ideal or where the hero is worshipped as a god?
         NO because Odysseus is known to be a good and brave king.

*Ultimate Boon/Magic Elixir: Does the hero find some special solution to the problem he is attempting to resolve? This might be a magic potion or a key to something
         >Magical herb protection from Circe's curse and a sac full of wind given by Aeolus for a safe sail going home


*Refusal of the Return: Does the hero initially refuse to return to the homeland or the place that he began the journey?
            NO, because Odysseus gone for 15 years and really wants to see his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus.

*Magic Flight/Pursuit: Is there some point (generally toward the end) where the hero is being chased or is otherwise trying to escape something?
            YES, when Odysseus in the island of Calypso he saw a ship and Calypso's maid chased him because Calypso don't want Odysseus to leave.

*Rescue from Without: Is there some point in the story when all seems hopeless, when it looks like the hero is going to die then suddenly he is rescued unexpectedly?
             YES, when Poseidon brought up a large waves as part of his revenge and Nausica the daughter of King Alcinous found and rescued him in the sea side.

*Crossing the Return Threshold: Is there some point where the hero clearly returns "home"?
             YES, after Odysseus tell his journey to King Alcinous, the King have pity on Odysseus and offer him a ship that can take him back to Ithaca. On their way to Ithaca Odysseus fell asleep and when he wake up he is already in Ithaca. Athena comes to him and tells him that he is already home.

*Master of Two Worlds: Does it appear that the hero has conquered life in both the familiar and unfamiliar worlds?
            YES, because Odysseus face all the challenges in his journey and be able to return home and bring back his kingdom.

*Freedom to Live: Since the hero typically beings the journey to resolve a problem, does it appear the problem is at last resolved so that all can live freely?
            YES, because Odysseus be able to return home and he resolve the problems in the kingdom when he came back and Odysseus and his family leaves happily.